Got a Huge Bill from SAP for using more SAP Licenses or for your External System Access
(Do no Pay before looking at our Free SAP License Cost Optimization Report)
Here is what you get from Free SAP License Optimization Report

Save Money
You only pay when you see savings in SAP License fees or SAP License Count
Become a Hero
We will Show your upto 10 % to 45% in SAP License Savings when we classify users based on Actual Usage
Save Time
We do all the work and you do not have lift a finger. The SAP License Audit Report wil clearly tell you what to do
Top 1 for Reducing your SAP License Cost
Make sure you have unique user ID in all the system. SAP License Cost is based on named user License so if if the User ID is different in different system then it will be counted as multiple users
Top 2 for Reducing your SAP License Cost
The SAP User cannot be without having a SAP License Type assigned to the User. If the User is not assigned to the User License then it will be counted as highest SAP License Type and could increase your SAP License Cost
Top 3 for Reducing your SAP License Cost
Lock unused SAP Users in the System. User SUIM Report to periodiacally Lock the user based on inactivity. Also make sure the user is locked and expired
Save on SAP License Cost
30 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If our SAP License Count does not agree with the USMM Count just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.

"In this quoted text, you can make a personal promise or personal guarantee, to give more weight to the guarantee statement above."